Electroacupuncture according to Dr. Voll

Contrary to what the name might suggest, this is not an electrostimulation with acupuncture needles, but a measurement of the skin resistance in certain acupuncture points on the hands and feet. This makes electro-acupuncture a non-invasive and therefore painless diagnostic instrument for finding the causes of diseases or disorders.

It makes it possible to obtain a complete overview of the energetic state of the meridians as well as the corresponding organs and to uncover disturbances, blockages or stresses in the body at an early stage.

Examples for application

  • Testing of allergens and food intolerances
  • Testing for environmental toxins and heavy metals
  • Testing for compatibility of drugs, implants, dental materials
  • Nidus search for degenerative or inflammatory conditions

„Health means energetic balance, which can be measured at the acupuncture points.“ (Dr. Reinhold Voll)

What should be observed before an EAV measurement?

  • do not use creams on hands and feet
  • refrain from coffee, black or green tea and smoking at least 2 hours before the appointment
  • take only the medication prescribed by your doctor before the measurement and bring all medication to the practice (such as blood pressure reducers, thyroid preparations, the pill etc.)
  • do not take any food supplements, probiotics or similar before the measurement
  • wear cotton socks that you can easily take off and comfortable clothes

  • if possible, do not wear synthetic clothing to avoid electrostatic charging
  • jewellery and piercings (as far as possible) are to be taken off before the treatment, this can also be done in practice
  • please also avoid make-up and nail polish on the day of treatment


Diagnostics by saliva or stool examination

I also arrange laboratory tests for certain complaints, such as saliva tests for hormone-related disorders or stool tests for intestinal problems.

Important, legally required notice

All measures listed here are based on therapies that are not recognised by conventional medicine.
Anyone carrying out such treatment does so in the knowledge that the therapies are not "scientifically proven".
030 120 74 380